SheSays Talk


Last week proved fruitful with talks! Thursday brought yet another SheSays event hosted at the D&AD studio in Shoreditch. A small and intimate venue played host to 4 amazing ladies from the industry, Eloise Smith (my boss from Lowe Profero),  Caroline Pay (BBH), Vicki Maguire (GREY) and Chaka Sobhani (Mother) a pretty sweet line up right?

So what did these successful ladies have to say? Each one spoke about their experience and journey to how they got to where they are today, covering who helped them along the way, what it’s like to be a working mother, different careers before advertisings and most importantly their failures along the way. That’s right even the best had their ups and downs and to be honest I think this is what made the talk. We can relate to them even more, each opened up personally and talked about their careers making everyone in the room feel like it is possible to get to the top with a lot of hard work and determination, even when you fail hard.

Here are the snaps I got for the evening (Campaign mag might be using some too- how exciting!):

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This picture got used in Campaign !! (I’m famous!)

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Keep an eye out for the next SheSays UK events, there is lots of exciting ones coming up so be sure to get your tickets!!

until mna